While there are age restrictions in some areas, if you use some standard sites such as hihostels.com or hostelworld.com they mention the age restrictions for each hostel. You can book accordingly.
There are certain “hostel networks” that have an age limit (Thorsten already gave an example). Those are usually connected with youth associations or are governmental initiatives to young people. In the private market I have never seen any limits.
A limitation that I´ve seen more than once was the maximum allowed time to stay in an Hostel. These limits are usually large, but you may want to keep that in mind if you plan to stay for some time in a place. The limits I’ve seen were always around 3 weeks. I can only assume that this limitations exist just to avoid people from start living in hostels more permanently.
Yes, at least in Germany there are two kinds of “hostels”:
The first kind of hostel and the one generally meant by “hostel” is
the youth hostel (Jugendherberge) which is managed by the DJH.
You need to buy a member card (also available on the fly) to stay there
and if you are over 27, you must pay the full price (which is still very
low for a year ~15 €). You are also less ranked than young people
so if the house has many young visitors you may not get a room.
Additional info: In Bavaria, a state of Germany, it was forbidden until
2005 to stay at a youth hostel if you were over 27. Perhaps your friend
comes from there ?
The other “hostels” are meant for backpackers and do not need a card as
they are private. Both hostels are not so cheap anymore, I have found
pensions and hotel rooms with much more comfort which were only slightly
more expensive. So look out for room prices.
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024